Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Turkey Dogs and Smoked String Cheese

Far be it from me to assume that I know things. Really. I mean, there are a lot of things I don’t know. A lot. I don’t know anyone named Sally, for example. Nor do I know how to do most kinds of math. But really my point is-sometimes I am surprised at the things I don’t know.

My question for you, of course, is did YOU know that smoked string cheese and turkey dogs are not available in Chicago? For a long time I just attributed the absence of such products to my own haphazard way of grocery shopping. I just didn’t look hard enough or long enough. Then, for awhile, I just assumed that turkey dogs and smoked string cheese as I knew it did not exist, that they were, in fact, figments of my over-active imagination.

But not too long ago I was in Wisconsin at a grocery store with some delightful friends of mine and what do I see in front of my face but TURKEY DOGS. All turkey. Not this hybrid mix you get in Chicago-turkey chicken and beef. I mean, I tell you, I really thought I was just delusional. But then I went home to MN this weekend and what does my mother have in the fridge but both smoked string cheese AND turkey dogs.

Have you had smoked string cheese? It’s savory. It’s delicious. I long for it. This weekend I had four pieces. Yum.

Then I came back here and went to the grocery stores. And looked. And looked, and looked some more. I am a bit chagrined by this. I am considering a move away from this lacking city.