Friday, June 20, 2014

Already halfway?

It's been a busy year, dear interwebs.

I have a new job. I have a new pair of sunglasses. I have a new perspective. I also have coffee breath.

Which is funny because I don't drink coffee.

Chomp Chomp!

I have a co-worker who chews with aplomb. Because I love my job, and I like the people sitting in the general direction from which this noise erupts, instead of frustration or irritation, I merely find the loud chomp chomps mildly amusing. On a day like today, after a week with little sleep, a trying train commute that involved lengthy delays, and a canceled fun weekend hanging with a friend, I am on the verge of slaphappy belly laughter. Make me will feel like the release this body needs. More than crying, I want to laugh.