Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Winter Blues

Lots of snow today, little to say. Well, lots to say but no time to think it out and write it down. so we'll part with something quick to write and joyous to think about: FOOD.

I really like food. I have a suspicion that I might be addicted to it, you know, like, if I don't eat, my body will shut down or something. I don't know, I never tried it. But I think there is something to do with withdrawal, like quitting smoking....maybe some fainting or passing out. Not really sure.


One aspect, maybe the only aspect, I miss about working in a restaurant is the food. Especially the last restaurant where the food was high-quality, which I can't afford now without that lovely discount I used to get. I miss it.

Right now I am thinking about going home and stirring some fry. But I might just take my broke-ass self out to eat.

Monday, January 26, 2004

I'll do it if you do it!

It's funny to me that in a society where the political situation is such that in the last forty years or so one political party, in conjunction with the rise of individual partisan politics, has managed to effectively diminish the strength of the other party--so much so that so many of MY friends and peers are the ones who do not vote.

As a woman, and as a black person, I take pride in my right to vote, even if the outcome in this day and age is not (or ever has been?) really in my favor. Change can take time, but will never take place if we don't keep chipping away at the block that has been built against us. It seems to me that for at least three of the people that I know well who do not vote, the primary reason is more sheer laziness than apathy, but they themselves have given other reasons. One has taken a POLITCAL stance, for example, she is a vegan protestor who feels that we SHOULD be living in multi-party nation when in fact, we live in a two-party nation.

The following is part of an email conversation my friends have been having about why TO vote.

friend #1
yes I will feel ripped off if Bush is back in office, but it
won't change my decision to vote. Only through my vote, your vote,
the next person's vote, and so on is change possible. If too many
people act (or don't act in this case) along the lines of "oh my vote
doesn't matter cuz Bush will be re-elected regardless", there is no
doubt he'll get a 2nd term. Get out and vote! ;)

friend #2

I vote because:

(1) It's one of my only rights afforded me in this
country, and my diaspora ancestors (since my family is
immigrants) couldn't. Many died fighting for this
right because it's recognition of your individual
influence in this country....and recognition of you as
a person/citizen (which they weren't)

(2) Someone's going to get elected anyways so why not.
So if you don't vote don't EVER bitch about problems
in this country that are decided by
politics/government, cuz you "gave" up your right
(speaking in general).

Yer such a rebel...

Saw Rebel Without A Cause this weekend. What a great movie. Sal Mineo's adoration aside, that James Dean IS one hot ticket.

Always wondered what movie the stupid Paula Abdul video made a reference to, but now I know. Although I always suspected it was American Grafitti, which I also have yet to see.

Dang, now I got "Rush, rush...what you do to me," in my head. Crap.

Friday, January 23, 2004

Up Here In Job Heaven...

By the way, I did it. I got a job. Not a dream one, but a decent one. The kind you can write home to your parents about. The kind that gets you out of bed in the morning (6 in the morning) to walk along the windy streets to get to... the kind where you are not supposed waste time at by writing in your blog.

Well it's good up here. Real good. I can see my old job down there, kind of wasting away. I think it misses me but it's hard to tell. If ever I get a chance to, I'll tell it how much happier I am here. I'm being taken care of, and the world is better place because I was there, but now I am here. And even though I am no longer a disgruntled waitress, maybe I always will be at heart.

Can you pay my...

Fashion modeling and prostitiution are the only professions in which women consistently earn more than men.


And women on average are still earning 74 cents to men's dollar. Yet we still have the same bills to pay, even more if you consider the cost of make-up, shampoo and other products and women's clothing, which is generally more expensive than men's clothing.

Given all that, you can be sure I'm gonna let the man pay for things.

(And yeah, sucker, I know I don't HAVE to buy lipstick and lotion, but I'm gonna, and because I do, and millions of other women and girls DO, this country for many years has had an economic leg to stand on.)

Thursday, January 22, 2004


corner gas station attendants
hand me my change and my destiny
with a smile

while buses pass by
taking with them the
promise of going places

black ice invades
as it lays covering ground
covering nights
that fade like memories
and like voices

dark gives way to bitter light
and people on the street
shiver to bring back that feeling
of warmth of better days
which are always better
when in the past

i walk alone
listening to the faded voices
in my mind

Monday, January 05, 2004

Beyond Good and Evil

One of the reasons that the Lord of the Rings trilogy is so popular is the epic evil vs. good struggle. In real life, people attempt every day to reduce others to these polarized definitions of evil people and evil acts, and good people and good acts, and the varying levels of success that they have in acquiring the buy-in for these definitions seem to inform the way these individuals live their lives and leaders run their countries.

From my personal point of view, the US is not an evil country, but is a place from which many evil acts are performed and because of this I am mostly not proud to "be an American." I said as much to some fellow servers and my head was figuratively ripped off. So here I am, with no figurative head, speaking without a figurative voice, and still I maintain my opinion.