Friday, August 20, 2010

FB Post #3

Leslie is in a dim fog.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

FB post #2

LESLIE is taking a break from youth for the week.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

FB post #1

in part because i abhor the 'TMI' aspect of the facebook posts and the tweeting phenomena, and in part because nonetheless, in moments of relative solitude, certain thoughts demand expression stemming purely from egotistical desire to be heard by someone, (even if that someone is in cyberspace) i shall, on FB-like thoughts on here....away from the eyes of the indelibly public forum of FB but available to my close cyberfriends who occasionally visit this site.

i shall even use my name in third-person, since due to my FB exposure, I now regularly think of myself in the third person.

Leslie hates when, having eaten lunch just a mere 20 minutes ago, she finds herself hungry again after false fullness. She wonders why salads have such a popular and strict following sometimes....