Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Is it really that bad?

Job Searching Blues-Or Really Bad Poetry
Every time I get that call
My heart stops, my stomach falls
I think this time will change it all
Too bad I don't have the fucking balls....

At one time in the last three years I started telling people I was a professional job hunter. I thought it was a more interesting tag than "waitress" and I was tired of answering the common conversational question "What do you do for a living?" I also like to tell people that President Bush fucked me over by fucking the economy which is always a gamble comment, because when talking to strangers you never know if they worship the guy or hate him. I was at my old job once and this girl I worked with was walking around saying that he was the BEST PRESIDENT WE'VE EVER HAD! Then one time I was at a birthday dinner for someone and this girl (stranger #1) was going on and on about the soldiers fighting for our freedom and how Bush was so noble for sending them to Iraq. Yes,our freedom, she said. I wasn't aware our freedom was in danger, I thought it was just our ability to control the oil that comes from that country. But then again, oil control and freedom ARE synonymous  I dated a guy once who was a staunch Republican and amid countless conversations about none other than, yes, Bush, I finally asked him where he got his information from that made him believe the things he did. he said Fox news. Any where else? I asked. No. Hmm..... I'm not a political connoisseur(or the best speller without a dictionary) but I know I can't be that sure of my opinions when they  are based on information from only ONE SENSATIONALIST news channel and absolutely nowhere else. I'm sorry, I don't hate Fox news. I actually think they've gotten better since I moved to Chicago in 1996. but maybe I've simply become more acclimated to it's follies. Hard to say. If there is one form of journalism I turn my nose up at, it is those durn news channels, though. (School I went to for college ) was really good at showing you how to be a snob. And us newspaper and mag kids didn't think the broadcast kids were real journalists. The funny thing is, right now I'm not a journalist at all so I'll shut the fuck up  I swear too much. 

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