Thursday, January 20, 2005

Can I get a side of chips with that CHEESE?

DISCLAIMER: what you are about to read may be construed as cheesy. a cheesy topic. one that no matter what adj's I use will sound very strange, boring and annoying to some ears. (if it were spoken aloud, that is.....)

I don't know if it is a cliche or not but you know how the Eskimos have so many words for snow? We should have more for love. I have been contemplating my emotions (well throughout life I do this on a daily basis) and pondering the nature of some of my feelings for some people in my life.

These thoughts have led to the perhaps more universal topic of how does one comprehend the emotion of love. How is it described and defined?

How would you describe it?

I think I have "feelings" for this guy I know, but he isn't so handsome, I would cuddle with him, but not sleep with him. I'm sure if I tried I could come up with completely valid, adult reasons (aside from lack of physical attraction) that I should never date him. Yet I feel so strongly about him. I also had not too long ago an intense physical attraction for another man but had no desire to be his friend at all.

Neither of those things amount to the love I think exists out there but have never really experienced and I would never diminish the emotions felt with all past relationships and friendships for that matter. I have so much and I physically FEEL it in my heart sometimes, sometimes I feel it in my stomach. Sometimes I go crazy with love to feel but have not the outlets to give. (working on it, you know?)

Does anyone else feel it this way? I simply wonder.....


Anonymous said...

One of my professors spent much time in Thailand and, being an English professor and, like me, fascinated with the way that language creates society, learned the delicate intricacies of the Thai language. She said that in Thai, they have something like 50 or more "heart" words designed specifically to describe the exact feeling of your heart. She said that, as a result, people there actually experienced emotions that we don't here. i believe her. i think if we had more words for loving here that we would be much better at having many kinds of relationships. However, since we don't, i think it is our duty to abscond with love and make it mean everything in our many hearts. Then, we will overflow with love and our hearts will have no choice but to burn with love for every soul that crosses our path. And that's a good thing. A wise man told me so.

ElleG77 said...

I like that, by the way. I'm moving to Thailand! Well, what a beautiful idea, that we exist with many hearts. I think it is a mighty good thing....