Monday, April 10, 2006


So...why does this Monday thing keep happening?


Sholeh said...

I've found that Tuesdays can be worse. :-)

Anonymous said...

I KNOW! I'm sooooooo tired right now. When tiff and i pulled up at the Temple this morning, we both sighed and sat back for a minute before opening our car doors... it was like the longer we waited to open them, the longer we could prolong our weekend.


ElleG77 said...

i would just like to ease into the work week, you know? why can't we sleep until say....9 or 10 and then take a few hours to get ready and start around 1 or 2?

Anonymous said...

that's a GREAT idea, leslie. i think i heard at one point that 'Abdu'l-Baha mentioned a 4-day work week being much better for workers. don't quote me, 'cause it's one of those things i've never read, just heard about.
