Wednesday, May 09, 2007

In case you were wondering about cheese, part 2

Blue Cheese Description#1

Blue cheese is made from cow's milk and inoculated with Penicillium roquefortti mold spores that result in the characteristic veining and flavor.

Blue Cheese Description#2

Crumbled white-yellowish cheese with greenish blue veins evenly spread throughout the cheese. Some irregular distributed holes with a tangy sharp taste.

Oh, and the difference between Feta and Goat? Feta can be made from goat or sheep's milk but is increasingly made from cow's milk (I suspect to save on costs) and goat cheese is made guessed it, goat milk. Which is better for you? Neither but if you have to pick go with Goat b/c of all the SODIUM and CHOLESTEROL in the Feta......

I did not like blue cheese before and I was iffy on Feta. This 'new' information reinforces those feelings.....

Descriptive words used for cheeses:

rindless, smooth, creamy, nutty, slightly acidic, lactic flavor, salt notes, off flavor, porcelain-like, soft

Ok I'm through.


Anonymous said...

interesting points on the feta... i routinely eat it thinking it is not from cow's milk.

i think the other reason to make a decision about whether to have goat's milk or cow's is that it probably takes different enzymes to break them down... my body reacts much more pleasantly to goat's cheese.


ElleG77 said...

Yeah, I would ask from now on, if you care, that is, what kind of milk the feta you are eating is made from. I don't know about enzymes to break them down but I do know they ADD enzymes to make the cheese in the first place....

Anonymous said...

and then our stomachs have enzymes to break down various foods... but lactose intolerance has to do with not having the right kind of enzymes to break down the sugar (lactose) in milk. lactaid pills usually help people in this predicament.

now, folks can also be allergic to milk protein which manifests itself with the body wholly rejecting dairy, in which case lactaid products won't make a difference, because they are just helping with the sugar part.
