Wednesday, May 05, 2010

little updates

we have been blessed with very, very beautiful days- sunny, mid-70s, bit of a breeze, and height of spring greenery. makes me love the world and long for lazy mornings in bed with the air on my face and sun floating through my waking dreams....alas for the job and the money-making and overall responsibilities of life.

last night was the first night i could sleep on my left side after a nasty tumble down a flight of stairs about a week and a half ago. joy for healing.

a friend of mine is having trouble with saying no to men who are basically amazing/good but that she is not attracted to at all. makes me envious and angry. makes me feel all of my unworthiness. i feel her struggle, wanting to have it work, so badly. but i feel mixed emotions about the fact that the men are seemingly misled as well. also feel pretty fed up that the men don't get that she is not attracted to them. she is showing all sorts of signs. i'm big on signs. let it go. move on to better things, o men. do it now. she is too nice and too longing. i am mean. i would tell it straight.

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