Friday, April 06, 2012

A letter of apology

Dear 2011,

I am sorry. I feel as though I have neglected you, and now it is too late to remedy that. You have moved on to that other place, beyond reach, and there is nothing I can do.

Truth be told, I have spent a little more time writing in private when I could have been writing for you. I was sharing my thoughts in a space where only my eyes can see, but I feel as though after all these years of blogging, I owe it to you to acknowledge this neglect. (Hi Sarah, I think you may be one of the few people left who read this and I long to see your beautiful baby in real life soon!)

Ooooh, see what I just did? I disrespected 2011 by taking an aside to talk to a friend. Unforgivable, I know. I guess I just didn't feel the same drive, 2011, as I did in the I do now, in fact. I am back, and though it may be of little comfort to you, I vow to give 2012 all the attention it deserves. In part, it will be an homage to you.

Thank you for what you gave me, 2011. It was a year of some significant occurences, moments of personal courage, building of resolve and humility, and a growing connection to some amazing and special friends that I am blessed to have in my life. Without you, 2011, 2012 would not have the momentum it does. I hear tell great things are in store. I owe that, in part, to you.

Thank you.


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