Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Winter Blues

Lots of snow today, little to say. Well, lots to say but no time to think it out and write it down. so we'll part with something quick to write and joyous to think about: FOOD.

I really like food. I have a suspicion that I might be addicted to it, you know, like, if I don't eat, my body will shut down or something. I don't know, I never tried it. But I think there is something to do with withdrawal, like quitting smoking....maybe some fainting or passing out. Not really sure.


One aspect, maybe the only aspect, I miss about working in a restaurant is the food. Especially the last restaurant where the food was high-quality, which I can't afford now without that lovely discount I used to get. I miss it.

Right now I am thinking about going home and stirring some fry. But I might just take my broke-ass self out to eat.

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