Monday, June 13, 2005

Shuddering pangs of envy/the curse of the computer

The main reason why I don't "post" (ooh, look at me, I'm so blog-savvy) that often is because I do not own a computer at home with internet access and have a hard time justifying the time spent with company hours. Or rather, I don't like looking over my shoulder trying to anticipate just when the boss-man, or mens, if you will, are going to sneak up behind me to see what kind of wonderful sales I am making with my company know what I mean?

So I decided that there is no debt like credit card debt, when spent on a nifty new Dell, that is. But it broke. I had it for less than 48 hours. Let me take a minute to say, that if blame must be placed let it be placed on my roommate, her cheap-ness and a faulty power surge protector (that was hers) but in was just plain fricking bad luck.

Come to think of it...I have gone through 3 computers before this one...None of them worked for more than a couple months before getting stolen or breaking. In fairness, the first three were all used. I'm cursed.

In other news, I am experiencing shuddering pangs of envy. They all say, *they* being the illustrious few I call my friends, that if you go around wanting a boyfriend that it will never happen. Noted. Noted, and filed away right next to the belief that seven years bad luck WILL DEFINITELY ensue if I break a mirror. I don't want a boyfriend. Well I do. But only the right one and I haven't met him yet, I don't think. Anyway...the point being the envy and when I am feeling it--Every time one of my peers announces he or she recently became engaged. Not that I want to get married tomorrow. Just some day. And have kids. And I am sick of people making me feel there is something wrong with acknowledging this desire. I try not to think about it except in the aforementioned situation. Or when people I like get girlfriends. It is a reminder that there is still no one out there for me. Wah wah, right? No, shudder, is more like it....ok done. Just had to get that off my chest.

A single friend of mine has determined that not only WILL she stay single for the rest of her life, but that she prefers it. Another non-single friend fights with her man all the time and is always pondering if that is somehow a sign of dysfunction and asking herself and her friends if the relationship can and should last. She loves her man and doesn't know what to do. Relationships can be a headache. But consistent booty with a good friend just can't be beat. I believe in that, and I want it for myself..for many reasons, including the fact that the alternative hiring of handsome male hookers is not a safe, viable option.

Ok now I am done. I swear.

hmm....male hookers.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That same single friend, who leaves for the other continent in short weeks, has now found love and is now believing in it for herself. I am very happy for her. Hurry back, biz-natch!
(i get a choice, i be anonymous)