Thursday, August 24, 2006

the blog entry to end all blog entries...

Well, ok, not really because I have to be back at work in like, ten minutes and though I am a fast typer, I am not a fast thinker.....but I just feel as though it has been far too long and infrequent between posts.

I just want to say, I have been a BAHA'I for just over a year now. I am still a 'baby' if you will, but upon reflecion..........I still love it. Is that any surprise, now really? I LOVE IT I LOVE MYSELF AND I LOVE EVERYBODY (most of the time, I am still human, you know)

Anyway, I finally got to go camping, albeit in not as nature-y place as I would have hoped but with some fantastically enjoyable individuals and delightful Wisconsin-esque charm nonetheless......I have danced this summer, beached this summer and watched a whole heck of a lot of Roswell with one of my very best friends this summer. I am about to go to the GREEN LAKE CONFERENCE-again, not as nature-y as I would like, but with fantastically enjoyable individuals and mind-blowing thought food and action food to dine on.....

My job has become inexplicably tolerable, well, it is explicable but I just wanted to use the word inexplicably.....anyhoo. I have so much more to say. Like cans. and elephants. and jumping rope. cans.


nor brain power.....back back back to work.


GWD said...

With your permission I'd like to re-post excerpts from this entry on my blog.

Congratulations on your first-year anniversary!

Ingrid said...

welcome back to the blogesque-sphere, Les. Happy "Bah-irthday"!

ElleG77 said...

hey HEY hey, thanks, Ingrid!

Sure George.....pauses dramatically.....what, which part??

Anonymous said...

loving it is good.
i hope you love it, love you and love everybody (mostly everybody) for a long time to come. and if you feel your love waning in anyway... know that love can ebb and flow. but there's always an anchor that your love can be teathered too... i'm not quite sure what the anchor is... it's just i've always felt no matter how far i stray there's always something pulling me back.

i can't wait to hear your GL stories.

addie can't wait either. she was super duper duper hyper from about 4am to 8am this morning. i would have thought she was on kitty speed.
