Thursday, July 16, 2009

Things to think about

I have got a lot of things on my mind lately. One of them is a sense of accomplishment. I am proud of the things I have done towards my career lately.

One of the things on my mind is pimples on my face-I hate them and, vain though it is, I must admit that I am a bit more concerned about them than I should be.

Especially since I know the reason I have them is not because I ate bad, or forgot to wash my face, but because my body is just overwhelmed at the fact that it is a baby-maker. And since I want babies, I should be thankful, right? What if I had pimples and was a man???

Ok, thought I'd try that thought on for size. Maybe not so much. But still, baby-maker.

Most of the other things on my mind are about opportunities and events coming up, too many to elaborate, that all have potential to be amazing. In some cases, a lot of work is involved, and in taking on certain opportunities, others will be missed. And some of those missed opportunities are really more like....missed imagined opportunities. ROMANTIC ones. Perceived romantic ones, nothing like an actual DATE or anything. Just a chance at a conversation, really.

I am at a loss at the moment how to proceed.

I think I will go laundry and think now.....sigh.


Sholeh said...

love you! Hope to see you this weekend...

Lacey said...

If it makes you feel any better, I'm suffering right there with you on the skin thing. It could be hormones but I think I'm allergic to Houston and it's making my face and neck break out like CRAZY. Proactiv is helping to settle it, but they just keep comin' irritating...

When I was pregnant, my skin never looked better. Ugh!

Kari Carlson said...

hehe. baby maker.

ElleG77 said...

Lacey, although I am not glad you have the problem, I am glad you can relate. Urgh. It does make me feel better!