Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brainstorm, write until the mind releases...

I'm on the verge of an emerging urge to post
my emotions
to shout from the proverbial rooftops
that I deserve this
and yes, I'm nervous
and on fire with
burning desire.

How badly do I want it?
Enough to know that if it doesn't happen
and I tell 600 plus *friends* on FB
that I'm close, and then don't get it,
that I may have 600 plus reminders
of the loss after it's done.

600 *I'm sorrys* and 600 *That sucks*
600 *Something better will comes* and
600 different ways to sum
up the misery of
600 ways to find new enjoyment
6oo ways to find Patience and tell her
to step over my way
600 reasons to cry away the frustrations

600 lamentations and acts of love
all in one, or 2, or 600 clicks of a button.

So instead of the post, and the follow up post, and the responses there,
I give you here, venting space to grace the cockles of my soul.

And a little jumping up and down and hands clasped together in hopes and dreams and patience besides...because the call may come tomorrow and then all this now unknown will be known.


Sholeh said...

Call me when you know!!

ElleG77 said...

Indeed I will...I just finished the third interview today and should know soon...

Commander Mojdeh said...

I'm rooting for you! And this poem ! (i'm assuming you meant it to be such - that or I have high hopes!)