Friday, January 29, 2010


I've been running into a problem of late-can guarantee it's a problem you've had, although I wonder as to the current severity of my little challenge. Thinking maybe I could be classified as....something.

Has to do with date-writing. Every day at work I fill out these sheets that are meant to keep track of my call-backs for potential deals I am working on, and every day I write the date down, and every time I do, I do it wrong. Yeah, you say, of course I have done this before. Absolutely, and I agree that you have. These days the main challenge is the automation. I hurriedly scrawl, day after day: one-slash-twenty-nine-slash-one...or twenty-eight, or whatever actual day it is. But after I so confidently circle that last zero, my pen falters, and I think, "No, wait, that's wrong, I did it wrong, what goes there next?" And without thinking I follow it with a seven. "Damn it. Not a seven!" It is not 2007. Switching from writing OH-something to writing ONE-something is going take me awhile to get the hang of.

More often, when I am writing, I do pause long enough to stop my pen from writing an eight or a seven (or one time, a six) and I SQUEEZE another 1 between the slash and the zero. Looks cramped and funny and makes me wonder why I bother since no one sees these papers but me and on occasion, my boss, who does not care one iota. But once, without blinking an eye or swallowing my gum, I wrote: one-slash-fifteen-slash-ninety-seven. Yes folks, my brain wanted good ole' young 2010 to be long, gone and dead 1997. Hot damn my subconscious is something else. Oh to be 19 again....

Not sure how long this will last, don't remember the transition from the 90s to the uh....OH OHs (?) because it was OH SO long ago. Know what I mean? Want me to shut up? Ok.

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