Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm gonna talk about excercise because it's interesting you can't do anything about it.

I just did things with a barbell that I didn't even know could be done. I also think I may have sweat out my entire left lung. Good thing, too, because I hear you don't really need those things and who needs to carry around the extra weight?

The good news, I discovered today, is I am back to my regular size since before I got my job in September. I am still reeling from the fact that in just a few short months, I nearly undid all the hard work that got me to the point of being able to run a 10k race and swim an entire mile without stopping, and getting hotter to boot. I mean, I knew I took a few liberties when the regular paycheck started coming in-eating out more often because I could, celebrating, not working out because I was tired after a full days' work (it's hard adjusting after 7 months of sleeping in, you know), but I also think that without my knowing it, my metabolism changed yet again without telling me. I mean, just because I am in my thirties DOES NOT give my metabolism the right to not communicate or give ample warning. How dare she. That bitch.

I'm feeling a bit saucy today. Perhaps it's the endorphins that got all riled up from my 1-hour Muscle Max class, or perhaps it's because I had another delightful evening with a good friend-good conversation and good food followed by good sleep. All my anxieties were addressed in the night-time meeting I had with my consciousness and though I am ever-conscious of the ways that I have to go down a certain path to acquire some goals of mine, I have some words and some friends that give me the rejuvenation that I need. And this nifty gym membership.

I forgot how great it is to feel challenged physically-this class reminded me of when I used to take Bikram yoga. That was a good work-out. I'm looking forward to getting back on track and seeing if I really CAN do a triathlon. It's a long way to go from now, I have a hard time finishing three miles at a decent speed in running, but I really still feel very certain that this is something I want to do for myself. Anyhoo, my thoughts have all dried up and I think it is because I am now hungry. Off to lunch!

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