Monday, August 15, 2011


I only have nine minutes to write this. I have a naseaus belly. If I had had sex, I would think that maybe I was pregnant. Instead, I have been suffering a slight case of food poisoning all day. Which is why I am not at work. I am instead at the public library, where, if I need to run to the bathroom, I can do it in anonymity and shamelessness.

A thought has been growing in my mind as of late. It has to do with the interweb and my own growing ideas of how to treat these blind vehicles of sharing. I say blind because even if my face is plastered all over the internet, you are still not DIRECTLY interacting with me, nor (except in the case of skyping or vlogging) do you have my voice ringing in your ear with my facial expressions to match...which is such AN important and thus far underrated form of communication.

Anyhow. I made a comment to a friend once that making an announcement of FB is like standing in a room with all 600 of your friends, (bosses and grandmas included) and saying what you just said..."I hate my girlfriend" or "Skank ass hoes need to recognize" and so on and so forth. And when you are standing in a room where your boss can hear everything, or that guy you just met at that party that friended you last night....don't you feel a little differently about what information you share? And aren't you worried that your oh-so-deadpan humor won't be picked up on by your slightly clueless aunt who likes to comment on EVERYTHING even remotely interesting that you write?

Just think about it. Ok. 45 seconds to go. I'm out.

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