Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"The earth is but one country-mankind, it's citizens."

In my ever growing certainty that the concept of "us v. them" is poisonous, and should be eradicated from our mindsets as human beings, I share with you an important piece of learning from my job today.
It is yet another sign, or evidence, in my mind, that the teaching and influence of Baha'u'llah is wafting over all of mankind unbeknownst to us.

In reading background research about improving safety in the workplace today - for an Health and Safety in Mining Conference I am putting together - I read that one of the keys to increasing interpersonal trust (and improving safety) in the workplace is by minimizing the "we-they" mentality....oh really???

No kidding.

Employers can make this happen by promoting the following "C" words in themselves and others:


It even talks about consensus in ways that sound eerily like the pre-requisites for consultation from the Bahai Writings.

Super awesome. Why can't everyone learn this stuff??

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