Friday, June 02, 2006

In the hood....

I was rather pleased when I got to the Western Brown Line stop yesterday morning to note the newly installed Port-o-Potties....."Someone has finally recognized the fact that people need to pee before they get home!" I more uncomfortable walks......wanting to hold myself with the abandon of a more cursing the light that turned red just as you got to it, no more counting each step in my head...praying that the 5 block walk home would somehow magically turn into a one block walk, no more having to pre-plan and pee before I leave the study circle/party/restaurant/job/doctor's app/seance/hypnotist.....thank goodness, you know? Someone's looking out.

And then this morning when I arrive at the Western Brown Line, more has been added-orange cones and the like-because they have closed off that part of Lincoln Ave, and contrary to what I originally thought, the Potties are there for the Annual MAYFEST, which starts tonight. Which, you know, a place to pee at the train station woulda been nice, (although admittedly--maybe a more permanent installation rather than a nasty POPottie) but I am ACTUALLY more excited for the MAYFEST. The first of many of my neighborhood's summer street festivals and I can't tell you how cool it will be to walk around my neighborhood this summer. Picture me jumping up and down in delight. Clapping my hands like a little girl. My inner child is surfacing. May demand to be out all summer-jumping up and down, squirming when she has to pee-that kind of stuff. I might scare you. Don't worry, it's just my inner child. She's mostly harmless. And she enjoys dancing.



Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I am seriously jealous of all your fun!!! I have turned into a 9 to 5er myself, but being all prego and stuff, I am too beat to do anything when I get home from work!!

I hope I can get some loose fun in this weekend with my momma.

I did go to the DMB concert. That was good. can't complain THAT much!


Anonymous said...

They should install an adult (and child) diaper dispensor at the station.

#1 and #2,

ElleG77 said...

fun DMB~never been but wouldn't object!
yes, diaper dispensers. that's hot.