Thursday, June 22, 2006


Each day of this week has crawled crawled crawled slower than a slug on a drug....maybe it's because one of my mostest favoritest peoples in the world is crashing at my pad and at home having fun while I rot here. Maybe it's because after two and half years I have mastered the art that is my job and my daily tasks (which I have mastered) now take two seconds instead of all day. Maybe it's because typically July (around the corner) is the slowest month of the year for the promo products industry. But all I know is this morning I did a bunch of stuff, went to print my tickle report (which, when I am committed, takes only two hours of an 8 hour day to go through) looked at the clock and expected it to be close to lunch time but instead it was close to 9am. Yes folks, 9am with two hours of real work to do. Crap.

So I pulled out my client list--I have about 200 or so clients that by the end of the day I will need to get rid off. I am more than halfway through that list, double-checking it. It may take another 20 minutes or even 30 to get through the other half. Then I might drink some water. Enough so I have to go to the bathroom, which takes up another few minutes. For real though, it's about dedication-I have to MAKE THE SALE so in all honesty if I don't have a chore, I make one. Call a client, woo a client, close a deal--I have a list of like, 700 total clients or more that I have to tweak. Constantly tweak. Our 6 month purge is coming up, hence the getting rid of some of them, I need to be at 400 (magic number). I am taking some co-workers to lunch because I decided I need to bond with them. I suggested a place awaysaway so that might take a few extra minutes too. Also, I might get sick tomorrow. Not sure though, I have to weigh the options of using a sick day over coming in to an excruciatingly slow day.......

Later I will start on my other list of clients, all 600 of them, and make sure I don't want to get rid off them. This will take me a couple of days, which is good, because, like I said before, I have a lot of time on my hands. Making money for toys and oatmeal.

I just left an enticing message for an M SHEA at (very popular magazine, name hidden to protect something). Yep, gotta inspire these people to call me back and give me money-I told her about the new polycarb bottle that came in yesterday! Yesterday! It holds a mini iPod or a set of keys. Who wouldn't want that? Shoot, I do. Only a few minutes have passed. Back to my tickles!

I feel like I live in a strange time warp. Time moves really slowly because my senses are heightened and with the harmony of all my senses working together minutes are like hours.

Which is interesting because lately I do feel that my spiritual self has catapulted forward in leaps and bounds and I love my life outside of work enormously! But here it is the dregs of existence. Just a dull gray color really.


Anonymous said...

I found this post quite relateable. I have been back in the cubicle world for about 2 months and find myself trying to fill the time so that I am worth my hourly wage. The problem? I am too good at my job. Just a month or so until I take a prego leave, and when I go back, I will be an official agent (and momma. heheee!), so hopefully that will spice things up.

Sure wish you could be here this weekend. Hope that we can find a visit time soon. There IS always the phone. Sometimes I forget that. Oops. my bad.

Hope you are well my sisa.

Sholeh said...

I found myself nodding emphatically as I read this. yup. I feel your pain. Summer somehow makes it worse because it is so darn NICE outside.

Anonymous said...

Leslie! I miss you!


ElleG77 said...

Glad I got the ladies' nine to five support! word word. I am doing nearly fantastic Gen, but we need to talk. Sholeh-grrl, I brought back your book! Kari! updates! why do you leave me so often?

Anonymous said...

i KNOW... i do leave regularly. but i come up all fueled with new energy and ideas. Baha'is are amazing, man. especially the ones i met in Boulder. i'm all totally set to do home visits and pioneer to africa. seriously... they just inspired me sooooo much! the city made me feel hemmed in when i got back.


Sholeh said...

more books are available! :-)