Monday, February 25, 2008


I would like to make an amendment to a former post in light of recent strong evidence to the power of the written word and the power of my thoughts on my own life and existence. I would like to resoundingly state, inasmuch as one can resoundingly state anything, that there is MORE THAN ENOUGH TO GO AROUND OF EVERY GOOD AND WONDERFUL THING WE WANT FOR OURSELVES. Specifically that there are plenty and numerous of those wonderful and amazing men out there for all of us who so desire to have one. It is just a matter of me picking the best one....and I'm terribly picky, especially with SO MANY OPTIONS.

there. it's out there. now universe, do your work.

if you have questions, please see post "Have I been that into me?" then respond.


Anonymous said...

you WILL be beating them off with a stick for sure!
boy oh boy we are going to be so busy choosing life everyday-it will be so much fun!

Ingrid said...

here, here!

Kari Carlson said...

that's it, girl. manifest it! manifest it.
