Monday, November 03, 2008


I am not a fan of being cold. I am one of those people who is always cold. I have a love/hate relationship with winter, in that I love it's beauty and the wonderful things that happen every time it gets cold(my bday, my adoption anniversary, the holidays) but I absolutely HATE being cold. There it is. I live with it.

I must confess that I have a thought every time it is unseasonably warm out, a bad thought. Especially in light of the fact that each year we get more and more unseasonable....I think in my head...oh thank you global warming. I KNOW! Think of the polar bears, those poor cute creatures. I know. But the thought still creeps up and is thunk in my head. I could move. Yes that is true. But I do like the 4 seasons. Both the one on the earth and the one by Vivaldi....

Don't worry my carbon footprint is really light. I swear.


Ingrid said...

you crack me up.

Anonymous said...

leslie! i am discovering this blog for the first time! i was just here to upload something to picasa and one thing led to another.... wow! there's a lot to read, i'll have to re-visit! best regards, ~boyan

ElleG77 said...

lol. nice to see you here, boyan!