Saturday, March 07, 2009

C'mon Baby!

If my laptop could talk he would be the poster child for the Little Train That Could....Every time I try to turn him on, he just sits there and does nothing and in my head I am imagining all of the little electrodes just loping around the inside of my baby trying to find the right places to go in order the get the engine started.

If I press more delicately or firmly on the 'ON' button, nothing happens. If I hold it down for thirty seconds nothing happens. Finally, after a few minutes, he will sputter on and the light for the power shines green and ready. Then, a mere 10 minutes later he is ready to go. Not surprisingly the amount of time it takes for my computer to turn on is directly related to how long he was out in the cold. The longest was 40 minutes until today-I have been here for more than an hour and my baby is finally working. I was about to give it up for lost when my half-settled finger finally got a response. And I get it, I do, heck- my extremities refuse to work until they are warmed up too.

But being that I am currently jobless in need of a job, this type of thing is not....reassuring. I need my baby to work, and keep working, at least until I get that money job that is surely right around the corner waiting for me. But I do not have internet at home and I must indeed leave the house every day to go to the libes, where the interweb is free and abundant, but my baby does not like the trip. Either he is a cranky four-year old that I need to coddle and coax into submission, or he is a 400-year old man (who knows how computer years translate-much faster than dog years, I am sure)who is merely ready to pass the torch on. I can understand that. And being a bit of a secret gadget junkie who has managed to put her obsession on hold until reason dictates it a reasonable purchase, I fully intend to be one of those people who gets a new computer every couple a years, just because.

But not today. I did look at laptop prices today on the libes' computer while idly and randomly pressing my baby's button and realized it will be possible once I get that money job to get a new computer but I'm not quite there.

And let me tell you something-I know all about patience now. The Lord has given me to find infinite and copius amounts of patience. Soon I will also know all about gratitude as well. Nothing like the memory of lugging my baby to the libes in the cold dead of winter and then sitting around waiting for him to catch his bearings will make the days of internet at home on a computer that works seem like pure heaven. I look forward to that. Pure Heaven.... sigh.

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

Oh how I feel you. I how many times during a day or week I want to hurl this dell out the window?! It's frustrating. I have to remember to be grateful for what I have so that the shiny and new laptop will come to me. I know it takes work on my part to save and literally purchase the dang thing but for now, I too am practicing patience and gratitude.
