Thursday, March 05, 2009

On Lost

For the last, what is it, five years(?), I have been told numerous times that I would LOOOOOVE the show Lost. I have listened to thrilled peers as they ponder and worry and wait with anticipation for new episodes. I'll admit, I was intrigued. And given the slightly (or greatly) supernatural nature of the show, I assumed what friends have about me, which is that I would love the show.

So finally a few months ago I began the Netflix journey. And here, a mere season and a half later, I am officially giving up. Well-acted? Why yes. Interesting? Why yes. Well-written? Well....while I think the plot lines are intriguing enough, maybe too much so, I absolutely hate the character development. It's a personal taste thing for me. I discovered a long time ago that I don't particularly enjoy watching people be bad. It doesn't not float my boat to watch deliciously evil people accidentally blowing heads off of young men sitting in the back seat of a car, nor does it ever make me happy when the bad guys win.

So when you take Lost, where bad is good is bad turns bad-it just frustrates and irritates me.

For example, when you begin to imply that a group of people who would steal children and hang people from trees are possibly 'good' or redeemable, or you have a terribly immature and bitter father to kill two innocent people and serve 5 others up for slaughter all in the name of saving his son then you have completely lost me.

The reason why I have always loved science fiction and fantasy is because it always presented interesting opportunities to test the true capacity or capability of man to overcome his base/animal nature to grow in his virtues, the things that make him or her essentially human and different. In other words, I like when you take an unbelievable situation and create a character who was believable, and experiement with how that character then reacts to that situation.

But what you have with this show is a bunch of people who to me, are not believeable.

For example, an African-American woman who would be a part of a group that would kidnap a child and torture a father for no reason other than they can and it's interesting is...unbelievable. Call me naive on that one-but so many things are unbelievable in the natures of the characters in this story. I could go through and list a bunch but it would take too long. I understand they are trying to build some of that unbelievability into the 'lore' of the island, that perhaps the 'island' brought this mix of truly effed-up individuals, killers, addicts, dishonest and pathetically victimized individuals together, for a reason. But to me I would much rather watch a bunch of folks mired in depravity IMPROVE their character rather than fall deeper into it while people keep dying left and right.

And that is just me and my taste. I like to watch things that make me feel good, things that horrify me without redemption. Other people are different. That's cool. There is a small chance that I could watch through all 7(?) seasons and find that redemption, but I don't want to, because if it is not there, I will be even more frustrated.

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

i hear you on the "irritating" part. i gave up on that show 3/4's into the 1st season. then i tried the second season for a couple episodes and gave up again. it's a bit much. i felt like i was baited and switched... there was this HUGE build up before it hit the air and then the writing felt like they began "phoning it in", so to speak. (much the way of most of ABC's shows) sigh.