Thursday, May 21, 2009

False Advertising

I am beginning to look into the option of getting an MBA (small yay) and in anticipation of the future, borrowed a couple books from the library the other day, one was entitled "101 Ways to Score Higher on Your GMAT."

Great, right? I am so gonna smartify myself by doing all I can do to score HIGHER on the GMAT, starting with reading this book, right? Wrong. So far all the book has told me is how to be a good manager, which, consequently, has NOTHING to do with taking a test.

It tells me how to work with people, how to motivate them, and how to present myself favorably to my superiors, which are all good things. But none of which help me to score higher on a test.

I flipped ahead a bit and it seems that there may be some fodder for improving my test-taking abilities toward the end, but honestly. I am very glad that libraries exist so that disappointments like this cost me nothing more than a few calories burned in the walk to the holy place of books. I like walking too, so all in all it works out.


Ingrid said...

yea, for libraries!

ElleG77 said...


Kari Carlson said...

i miss libraries. i spent hours upon hours at the downtown library in st. paul when i was a teenager. love 'em.