Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Laterblog: Torture of Smell

To the right of me, a woman eats delicious smelling pastries filled with gluten. My mouth waters. I long for the feel of moist (yes I said it), flavorful muffins and toasted bagels with cream cheese.

To my left, a man who keeps stepping out for a smoke.

These are my smells for duration of this conference. Stale cigarette smoke on a man's hands and clothes, and fresh pastries. This is a new form of torture.

I used to eat pastries and smoke cigarettes with the abandon of a teenager. Heck, I was a teenager for some of the time.

Now, in my 30s, both are forbidden to me, and one is stinky and gross and the other smells like heaven.


When will this conference be over?

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