Monday, October 03, 2005


this is the state of my new home

i have no time no time.
but i'm still doing fine.
i love my new place
but i don't like being there right now because there is too much to do
4 weeks no smoking-this is a milestone
do you know what i do not like?
when you are trying to converse with somebody and they emphatically agree with what you are saying but by agreeing they inadvertantly insult you. someone called me ugly in this fashion the other day.

and they don't realize it is insulting.
they just think they are conversing all normal like.

also, i do not like when people of the richer family backgrounds insist that illiteracy is the fault of the illiterate. they believe they know the world so well and that it is impossible for anyone in the United States to NOT learn how to read, so it must have been a conscious choice. ok. so i want to change their minds. i want to SHOW them the world is not easy and not fair for some. but how can i? i cannot, most likely.....but i feel like this closed-mindedness and ignorance is a big reason such disparity still exists. erg.

is it 5 o'clock yet? must clean old apartment. must unpack new place. lincoln square is DA BOMB.


Anonymous said...

Moving is worse than death. Only cause when you die you don't have to pay rent, I think. Is this life considered the deposit, the down payment, or cash-in-full?

Gavin wonders...

Anonymous said...

you can show them, Leslie. you've got the power of the written word! rich people love to read...


ElleG77 said...

**some boxes have disappeared lessening the chaos, which is a good thing. good question, btw. my initial vote is deposit, but deposit is something you get back at the end of a lease, my vote is down payment. why this over cash in full? not sure makes more sense to me.

**i can write. i should write. i will write. i will fight with words. my next article is going to be a battle of sorts. detailing an heretofore unmentioned political movement.