Saturday, September 24, 2005

5 yr college reunion

i was out with....smokers smokers smokers last night and i did not, repeat, did not even want one! they say the urge will come back and HIT me every once in a while so i gotta watch out.
i came home very stinky. my roommate is leaving today. i will have an echo-y two bedroom to myself for 7 days before i move into my glorious one-bedroom next week! busy busy tonight is the official gathering and i am curious if talking about "what i've been up to for the past few years" will get annoying in the first hour or the 5th....we'll see how many people have become lawyers and doctors. How many have babies!

BTW, I was on Mteam in highschool. Seems as though I have always been a school spirit type. And you know what? I am not one bit ashamed. I still know the school fight song.

Go U Northwestern break right through that line
with your colors flying we will cheer you all the time
U ra ra
GO U Northwestern fight for victory!

Spread far the fame of our fair name
Go Northwestern win that game!

da da da da da da
Go Northwestern go
Go Northwestern go
hit em hard, hit em low
Go Northwestern go.....


Anonymous said...

dude you ROCK for fighting the..."non urge" to smoke...does that even makes sense? heehe...anyway, well done you!

Anonymous said...

onward central!
onward central!

Okay, Ms. M-Team that's all I've got. Help me out! I guess the one homecoming game I attended during high school didn't help me memorize the song... And then, during our pep rallies, to what question posed by our cheerleaders would we all reply "Hell no!" That was always exciting and now I could honestly kick myself for not paying more attention.

Pride - I always had pride. I still do. I tell Minnesotans, "I went to Central," as though I could beat them up with those words alone.

Today I was hiking at Lutsen and met a whole bunch of ladies (and the men in their lives) who graduated from Johnson in the '50s. Even for them, I said "I went to Central," with has much bravado as a girl can muster.

But, the songs and the cheers, I need a refresher.

Hope your reunion was fun!

ElleG77 said...

you are cracking me up! I DID know the central school song, but forgot it sophomore year of college..only room for so much 'spirit' you know. i knew the choreography to the D-d-d-defense of the NU cheerleaders.....This was the year we went to the Orange Bowl. It was just fun being a part of something bigger than myself and my worries.

Remember the pep rally after our science teacher died? Did you go? yeah, I was in charge of that, rousing the crying students, yeah, I felt like such a fool trying to yell and sound enthusiastic into that mic. I thought, what bad bad bad bad bad timing. Ok this was all over the place. I have fond memories. Pride? Is it pride that I have? I don't know. It was just fun, you know! I had a good time. Or at least, I have good memories.

Anonymous said...

i was having fun writing that one. i may even steal some of it for an entry on my blog.

wow! you planned a whole pep rally? unfortunately, i don't remember that one. for some reason i found it cooler to ignore anything school spirit-related - it wasn't more fun to ignore it, just cooler.


ElleG77 said...

yeah, i headed that one up. first and last time i did something like that. i am not a rally type person, more of a 'get rallied' type. i bet i could look up the school fight song!