Wednesday, January 11, 2006


this is me hibernating for the winter, except there is greenery in my winter.

long and short of it:

i lost my wallet

i have no money and at the moment no way of getting money

i have made some very serious new year's resolutions

i have officially fallen in love with chicago

my brother and his fiance are having a baby in three weeks

life is about to be amazing

i have stories that should be told. ideally to friends who are too busy to call me-if that is you you need to pick up the phone. unless you are in a different country.


Anonymous said...

This post is drenched in sorrow and dollopped generously with hope and promise. I like it.

ElleG77 said...

it's only a surface sorrow. i just learned how to be less attached to things like, credit cards and money. and library cards and jewel osco cards and target gift certificates...what is money? i laugh in the face of money HA HA! AH HA!

Anonymous said...

You lost a Target gift card?!?!?! That is better than money, friend. Oh, the horror...the horror. Yesterday, i nearly got robbed by a "street cowboy." These are people who ride motorbikes on the sidewalk and try to grab your purse as they swing by you. Fortunately, i was too quick for this sucker and only broke my shoe. i wish i had been quick enough to yank him off his bike and tell him "dickhead." But, alas. i will be home in about 10-12 days, i think, at which point i will pick up the phone even though i am in another country and we will exchange stories. It will be grand. i love you!