Friday, May 12, 2006

let's get back to it

So rather than re-read my last post, add to it or expound on it, let me just say bleh. Moving on.....

Gen is in town this weekend. I love her.

She has a baby in her tummy.

I love him.

I am really busy and my cat hates me right now.

I am so going home to eat spaghetti, yum.

Summer is trying to get away from me right now, but I'm not gonna let it.

I feel like going to the Chocolate Factory.

I finally got hit in the face with a volleyball the other day. It bent my glasses out of shape. Funny thing is, it was TOTALLY my fault. I went up to spike the ball and I miscalculated and hit it into the net, then it bounced into my face. Later I got hit in the arm with someone's vicious spike, and I still have a bruise.

I like to think of it as a token of my toughness. I love to play, you know. I am also really competitive. This summer I am going to be playing competitive fours and the truth is we're not ready for it, but what better way to get ready than to throw yourself into it?

Off to the dreary weekend.....


Anonymous said...

I always felt that getting hit in the face is an achievement. It's a sign of living life. Fists, tree limbs, car doors, they all seem to be outside of my experience when I take a back seat to life. But when I'm feeling right up against it, that's when danger lurks. Danger is good, danger means affect. To me. Eat the cat. Love the baby. Enjoy the grey.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Leslie, I love you!

Sure had fun with you yesterday. Glad that we always have such good chats!

sometimes, getting hit in the face with a volleyball is good for knocking sence into ones head. I dare say, I think it worked!

(wesley wanted me to tell you he really liked the mexican food.)

mykgerard said...

You are going to be fierce on the beach this summer... I'm shaking.. ;)

ElleG77 said...

grrrrrrrrr(this is me with my tough face) grrrrrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

if you eat your cat... i will personally give you hell... or at least a tear-stained lecture. i LOVE your cat!!!
