Monday, June 04, 2007


I've been on this ten week plan to get me to running 1 mile to running 5 miles. I decided in order for me to finally and really get in shape after quitting smoking that I would have to set an action type goal rather than 'just work out' and I've been toying with the idea of doing a triathlon. Trouble is, I've HATED HATED HATED running. I like biking and swimming, though I am not so good at it at the moment.

But running is another thing coming, literally. But a little over a year ago I ran for three minutes and walked for 30 and it felt like death. I have been slowly working my way up to running for about 17 minutes, when a couple of months ago when I asked a co-worker and marathon runner to help me work my way up to 6 miles- the distance of a 10K run-typical for the type of triathlon I am interested in.

Hence, the plan...which requires that I run 4 or 5 days a week with increasing time and distance goals. I went to NY a couple of weeks ago and had to take some days off due to severe lower back pain (bad air mattress sleeping). So last week I took it easy, running 3 times and only 1-2miles a day. I felt like crap trying to go one mile last week. But this week I am determined to forge through with my schedule. If I start from where I left off, this week I run 3 miles a day, 4 days a week, with one day reserved for 'x train' or volleyball, in my case. Next week I run 35 minutes 4 days, the week after I alternate 40 and 30 minute runs, with the last day being 4 miles, and so on for another three weeks until I've hit 5 miles. Then I will work it up to 6 and voila!

Crazy right? I would have quit long before now if hitting these gradually increasing goals wasn't so ridiculously satisfying. It's kind of like my new cigarette, if you will. ENDORPHINS. This morning I ran a lovely 3 miles and it felt so damn good. And who doesn't like that feeling?


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean by goals. I'm trying to do a stretching routine every day. I have gone from being able to touch my shins to being able to touch my ankles! It motivated me to do it even more.

ElleG77 said...

i went through this thing where i sort of thought of myself as a failure and this whole process is sort of reversing that feeling, you know? congrats on the ankle touching. i see you touching the toes real real soon!!!!