Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New name

Let's face it, I haven't been a waitress for several years. And I am no longer disgruntled. I am quite content, really. This blog has taken the place of my diary, er, journal (last regular entry was circa 2003) and while I can pretty much guarantee the raw stuff that usually goes in the journal (much more grown up word than 'diary') did not and does not make the cut for this blog, the blog has still accomplished the feat of soothing my overly obsessive mind at times and given clarity to turmoil over the years.

So hence, the new name....delineations. I think I may still have to revive the journal, some thoughts should remain raw and uncut.

But it was time for a change. Not a big one. But a change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like the new name.
