Thursday, July 05, 2007


i didn't realize my only opportunity to see transformers (much anticipated and looked forward to) with friends was foiled mostly by the fact that i do not have a car. i was stuck in a place with no way to get to the place i wanted to be. now if i want to see it i have to go alone and i may be pms'ing but i feel like crying my eyes out right now. i don't want to go see it alone. but i want to see it. i was thinking all sorts of dreadful and weepy and largely untrue thoughts and feeling really sorry for myself and then someone here mentioned they are getting rid of their car and my brain started thinking......on my lunch i did some checking and it turns out.....i may, just may, be able to buy and afford a car! rearranging has to be done, but i might be able to do it. won't bring me back to a time when i can see a movie i really want to see with friends, but it may have an impact on future opportunities. turns out my insurance would be really cheap depending on some things......must look into it.....must call dad.....excitment ensues. i still feel a bit weepy though. go away unhappy thoughts.


Sholeh said...

ugh I know that feeling exactly. :-P I hope the car thing works out!!

ElleG77 said...

hey hey miss sholeh. thanks darling, i do too.....may still be a few months in the future but it may just be the thing!

ElleG77 said...
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