Monday, July 11, 2005

dreaming again

I went out with an old high school acquaintance last night. I think we could have talked all night. I enjoyed the time spent and one of the things we started to talk about floated back into my thoughts this morning as I awoke.

She was talking about recurring dreams about the neighborhood she grew up in. I have recurring dreams about high school and also....duh duh daaaaaahhh.....sharks and large bodies of water. I wish I was a dream analyst. I am certain it all means something. Last night I dreamt I was on a cliff (man-made) and we (???a group of scientists or environmentalists) were conducting an experiment where we tried to lure sharks into our little cove and then kill them by depriving them of water. Mind you, these were dangerous man-eating sharks. I think it worked but one of our sea lions died. Dreams dreams dreams pervade my existence distinctly and the feeling they often leave me with is proof that more of me exists than I know concretely. What is my subconscious saying? Why do I keep going back to high school and Kari keep going back to an old house from childhood? And you should know that the sharks did not have me scared, but that it was extremely important we defeat them...

More often than sharks, I dream about water.

If I stay in Chi-town, it is absolutely essential that I move closer to the lake-I think my sanity is directly relational to the nearness of me to water....also, walruses are my new favorite animals. I like walruses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i didn't know you blogged! cool!

we'll definitely have to get together again very soon.
