Thursday, July 14, 2005

my home is a battle ground

my roommate is an absolute nightmare of anger and bitterness. i am going to have to take drastic measures and move out i think, before the lease is up. i can't take one more slammed door or rolled eyes, or snide, self-disparaging comment. i told my mom about the latest blow-out and she said "that pain is a normal and natural way that our bodies tell us we are putting something in that doesn't belong there. Whether emotional or physical, pain is our cue that something must change, something needs adjustment. So, we must pay attention to the pain. It's our ally, our cue to something important." I agree. Someone needs to tell her that. My roommate is in an unbelievable amount of emotional pain and instead of seeking help she takes ALL OF IT out on me. I'm so worn down. It's been one year of this. She will apologize tonight, she usually does, for her behavior. But what is going to stop it from happening again? She blew up at me and then wondered aloud why no one ever wants to hang out with her.........

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