Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I get my horoscope emailed to me everyday and the horoscope of two old friends....been getting it since junior year of college (which is like 7 years ago, which sounds, well, makes me sound "old" right? but in truth, I kind of like the sound of it).

I know who the Cancer is, she left my life in a sudden storm and has since returned after two years of silence. The Virgo is gone, I don't even remember for sure which person that was, but it's become fitting again as I have a new Virgo friend whom I think will fit quite nicely in my life....

Uncannily accurate 50% of the time....(if I were speaking, would you hear irony in my voice?) I am a Sagitarius. (I like parentheses, they allow my weird brain tangents to make grammatical sense.) (is it annoying yet?) (are you at least smirking?) (what bothers me is that I can't remember right now if the period goes inside or outside the parentheses...darn journalistic education!).

Here is your horoscope for Wednesday, July 13:Dreams are often the stuff that goals are made of. So if your nightly retreats are starting to repeat themselves, it might be time to take the hint. Formulate a battle plan and just see how much you can accomplish.

For Cancer,Ever hear how oysters make pearls? Well, that loved one who's been anything but cooperative lately is your prospective pearl. Don't give up on them, even if they're going out of their way to make life difficult for you.

For Virgo,You've been asked to keep mum about a certain money matter, but you're really wrestling with your conscience about it. Follow your instincts while you're making your decision, and make it soon.

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