Monday, May 05, 2008


I met an exuberant and delightful woman this weekend who introduced me to a new way to not swear. Every time someone said something worthy or wacky she said "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!" with a big emphasis on the SH and F part of the sentence. It was quite entertaining but did increase in me the desire to ACTUALLY swear.

I've lately been in use of an exagerrated "SHOOOOOT!" (which I think I got from a certain Miss Carlson) when things are not quite going my way but still revert to the very succint "sh%t!" when I make a mistake on the volleyball court, and apparently no amount of children within earshot has changed that. I definitely go through periods where I swear like a sailor and others where I have the language of an angel. I was raised not to swear but it was never ingrained so much that I felt any sort of heavy guilt if I let one slip. And when I am angry I do tend to let 'em fly, not so attractive but hey for some reason it always always makes me feel better.

Mind you I do NOT find any satisfaction is saying these things to an actual person and I find myself deeply affected when they are directed at another actual human being. It is a verbal weapon and can be as damaging as sexual harassment....but let's not vent about that today.

Let's just reiterate that I do swear....and I try not to....but I like it.



Ingrid said...

here's another one for you..."what the FRENCH, TOAST!!!" (courtesy of that kooky chewing gum commercial) it's my personal fav. oh, there's also..."MuthaFather!!!" (courtesy of my friend, Julie) hehe

ElleG77 said...

Ingrid, you made me laugh with these. Awesome.