Friday, August 05, 2005


I’ve reached an age in my life where reflection has taken on a multiplicitous ( I think I made this word up, better for meaning than duplicitous) nature. I remember my past self, and I remember remembering my past self, and so on back to the age of 4 or so, (each day a new me emerges, you see) and the reflections and projections I made at each of those times. I have had a good life. A beautiful life and at times a terrible life and I am hyper-aware how each moment has shaped today’s me. Changes are usually subtle and unnoticed except when they are not, like my decision to declare and my college choice, and, thus far, my career choices.

Something I have been increasingly aware of is how the past five years of waiting tables and being in sales has changed how I relate to people and how I think the thoughts in my head. My spiritual self is rearing and snorting in protest at some of those changes, my intellectual self is FASCINATED to see how easily what I thought was ‘core me’ could so easily be changed, so malleable what I thought was stone. It is hard to explain, and certainly I am grateful to the experiences which have nevertheless pushed me well along my way to independent adult-hood and provided much fodder for those best-selling novels I will someday write, but there is in me a way of thinking now, an automaton smile and a knowledge of how to manipulate, ever so subtly, PEOPLE, to get what I want. (Except it is not what I want, but what my bosses all want, more money, more business, more renown, but I need to eat so I do it.)

Here is the conflict, or the irony, though, I have also learned to be more sensitive to other’s feelings and address them “accordingly,” even when I didn’t understand remotely why they might feel that way, only to have these same people shower me with gratitude and unexpected kindness and/or respect. I have learned to remove myself emotionally from situations that may have hurt me in the past in order to ‘get the job done’ effectively. Example: Mr. Man needs 200 t-shirts for a company picnic in 4 days. (standard production is, of course, 7 days) He calls me and from the start begins to verbally abuse me and threaten me with taking his business elsewhere if I don’t give him what he wants yesterday. I used to get scared about that, thinking “what will my boss think if I ‘lose’ this order? And I got flustered and frustrated that the client is putting such a rude pressure on me. NOW I empathize. I think about how his ass is probably grass if he doesn’t get this order completed and he is thinking about his boss as I am thinking about mine. In the past, if someone spoke to me like that I would walk away or give them a piece of my mind.

Now I take a deep breath and smile and tell them I understand how frustrated they must be. I then tell them I will do everything within my power to help them. And you know, sometimes, it works out and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes my company (or, before, the restaurant) would pull some miraculous feat outside of the norm and actually print 200 shirts and have them delivered yesterday, and sometimes my company would not. But even when it did not, my reassurances to the man, or woman, in distress, would calm them down. Afterwards they would thank me profusely and be kind to me ever after. Lots of times they even came back to give my company more business.

Strange how that works, huh? So I am thankful for the lesson. Shower them with kindness….serve with humility….

I decided against being a daily news reporter years ago because of the amount of anger the readers would direct our way when I was a reporter (intern) at the St. Paul Pioneer Press for a few months. But I loved the fast-paced environment, and I loved the challenge of taking an actual event and turning it into a story on paper. I still love that, getting the front page story, coming up with things I thought people should know about and then getting to write about them. But (this is the ultimate motivation behind what I am writing about) I was paralyzed with fear to take on people’s anger. My self-esteem was fragile and it was difficult not to internalize it all. So I quit. And I had a brief stint in the magazine world as well, but when things didn’t work out, I didn’t fight for it. I wasn’t ready. And ironically, these last five years have made me ready! I can face you, anger and hate, I can, and I can be resilient and strong in the face of adversity, and this is exciting news. I mean the world IS an angry place and people I think can place entirely too much importance on trivialities, but I/we still have to live in it and live our lives living in it. No excuse to hide away, you know?

So with all that said, I am not going after the newspaper job. Not yet, maybe not ever. But I am writing (for magazines) and I am no longer afraid to believe I deserve a chance at the career of my choice. Run-on sentences aside, wish me luck in the search!


Anonymous said...

Good luck, L!
I, on the other hand, am still afraid of the anger out there. And so I sit in an editing suite, that has a light dimmer so I can create my own mood and then put together the footage others collect for me.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! That's one of the rockingest transformations I've ever seen recognized.

Kari! It sounds so sad! You are brave and wonderful, and doing amazing work. You were meeting the world head on, in the person of a dozen Dine youth just days ago. Maybe that's different from the anger that our host is referring to, but you were out in the world, taking on more than your personally-created environment.


ElleG77 said...

I agree with Lev, did you not spend a wonderful ten days full of patience and love for a group or sullen teenagers whom eventually opened up to you? I think that is the same thing, or at least along the same lines as what I am talking about.

Anonymous said...

yeah, and for the first half of the week i just wanted to go home. until i realized that not everything i want to do is going to happen easily...

so you guys are right. i'm growing out of my fears...


Anonymous said...

Ah...corporate America, how I love thee...


I read through your whole blog just now. whee!

Anonymous said...

Hey, les (i have a vague notion tht you don't really appreciate this shortening of your name, in which case i apologize). i am hella impressed. i find this is often the case. You always seem to be succesfully taking on the very things that i shy away from in fear or toss aside in beligerent righteousness. Anger is something i've never been able to deal with. So much so that i've become a genius at diffusing it, which, until a short time ago, i thought was a pretty admirable personality trait. i think, though, that, while it may be useful, it doesn't provide any opportunity to really investigate anger and what it's all about. i'm ok with that for now. i am thoroughly and genuinely afraid of about five things in life. Cockroaches are one of them. i recently had an experience where i was sitting out on mom's deck and i thought "i haven't seen any cockroaches since i've been home." Lo and behold, about two minutes later, a cockroach was flying around the arbor about five feet away. Contrary to my intitial compulsion, i stayed calmly seated and tried to acknowledge that the cockroach was not in fact there to harass me, but was just going about its business in the world. i waited for it to stop flying and made my way rapidly toward the safety of inside. A few days later (after a long hiatus from the outside), i was sitting out there again and another cockroach came flying in my direction. Again, i was able to maintain some semblance of control and noted that it had opted to land and crawl under the deck. This time, i stayed on the deck for quite some time before i retreated to the house. Then, when i got home from Florida (where i, praise be to God, did not encounter any of their loathsome plametto bugs (aka giant cockroaches) my mom informed me that, while i was gone, she had killed a cockroach that was ENTERING MY ROOM. This is my nightmare. The idea of a cockroach crawling on me in the night has, on more than one occasion, driven me to sleep in my car. Last night, though, i slept in my bed, only inches off the floor and i slept soundly. i tell this story because i feel like God is slowly giving me cockroach tests, challenging me, but not too much, slowly making me capable of dealing effectively with cockroaches instead of being paralyzed with fear. i feel like it's sort of a warm-up exercise for the same process with other, bigger, more stifling fears that i will need to confront in the near future. i feel, though, like you, with the aversion to anger, are like my mom - you just take care of the roach and move on. It doesn't keep you up at night or make you sleep in the car. You don't abandon your home to accomodate it. Moreover, you don't relate to it as though it is some demon sent to torment you. i admire you, my friend, and that is not a sentiment i experience often (perhaps to my discredit).

ElleG77 said...

Sholeh, wow! Thanks.
Abi, I like Les, but when it sounds like Less, and not Lez. I actually don't mind Lez, it's just not as pretty. In grade school someone called me Lez, then gasped and profusely apologized for calling me a lesbian. Even back then I didn't consider it an insult. If I was a lesbian, I think I would maybe adopt that as a nickname just because, you know?
I am cracking up at your coakroach story. I think every time you see a cock roach you should remember that song that goes "Look at all these roaches, surrounding me every day, just need some time, some time to get away," because then you will laugh and humor IS the best cure for most things. Remember that song? to the tune of "Look at all these rumors..." by Timex Social Club ( I looked that up)?
-Less is always more.....