Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Could it be more perfect?

I am going on a boat cruise tonight, 3 hours, out on Lake Michigan. I have been sailing already, to the beach once or twice a week this whole summer, gone to several summer festivals, summer danced my arse off twice, rediscovered beautiful life-long friendships, made some new friends, been to a swimming pool, this weekend I am going to Wisconsin to get some of the nature that I miss and love, I have been clubbing like a rock star with actual stars, read a TON of really good books, spent amazing time with awesome brothers and a sister, learned I was going to be an Auntie, walked the Brooklyn Bridge, traversed Coney Island and met Ayveq the Walrus, and discovered how much I love Baha'u'llah. All in all it's been a great summer.

I have been keeping my eyes wide open so as not to miss it. Every winter, I sigh and lament and wonder where my summer went and why it ended so soon. This time, I have actually consciously been pausing a bit every few days to drink in the sounds, the smells, the feelings. I am hoping to store a bit of the good stuff in my soul to take out and use when the days are dark and dreary. I also had a revelation the other day, I don't hate winter. I thought I did. But if I didn't have it, I would miss it. How's that for weird? I still wouldn't mind moving somewhere without a winter for awhile, but I will take that as, and if, it comes, naturally. I prefer the tranquility of Minnesota winters to the sludge and wind of Chicago winters, but what are you gonna do?

Back to summer days, though, few things could make this more perfect. My student loans miraculously being paid off would probably do it. As it is, I won't have them paid off until I am like 59 years old. On the other hand, I can actually say with all honesty, I put myself through school. All by myself. But at quite the cost, because my school was so dang expensive, but now I am just rambling. stop leslie stop. stop. ok. Summer rocks! I can't wait to get out on the open water and feel the breeze in my eyeballs! er, hair, breeze in my hair....

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